Get to know INSEL!

If you are interested in the topics Simulation and Energy, stay on our website. Here you find everything about INSEL as graphical programming language for the simulation of renewable energy systems.

Download INSEL 8

INSEL is Freeware now, i.e., you can use the INSEL software free of cost and without obligation. What happened? The former INSEL distributor doppelintegral GmbH is liquidated. The further development of INSEL is now pursued at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
If you are interested, please visit us at (still under construction).

Here is the Download page …

and the INSEL Flyer of doppelintegral.

Target groups

INSEL is a multifunctional software, developed for researchers, students, and teachers as well as engineering offices, planners, and operators of renewable energy systems.

In own case

We apologize, that there have been problems with our website, especially the download of INSEL, in the past few months. With the new initiative in Montreal, we want to motivate as many users and developers as possible to work on the expansion of INSEL to the 'Urban Modeling Platform insel4D'.
If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact or